Since the foundation of the Royal School the horses
have been the main protagonist of the Institution and
one of their main objetives has been to demostrate to
everybody the beauty of the equestrian world.
At the close of 2002 the Royal school had 170
horses in its stables from different background:
137 of them owned by the Royal School itself, 21 from
the military Stables and 12 from different breeders
with whom the School maintains a loan contract.
The Royal School´s Veterinary Clinic is responsible
for looking after the horses and does nor only see to
their health but also offers a service of the school.
The stables are one of the essential cornerstones for
the success of the Royal School´s activities as
it would be impossible to develop these to such a high
level so that the horses are recognized intenationally
as being healthy, clean and well attended.